Goat Hunts with A/Z Outfitters

Goat Hunting is offered during the mid-September-mid-November months. These trips are suited for clients that enjoy the beauty of the higher peaks, and are driven for 9 days of climbing the mountain tops.

This experience is all inclusive. Cabin-cooked meals, a well broke horse, and knowledgeable guide are all taken care of for you!

We begin with a ride from Dutch Creek’ Trail Head to Big Cabin, a 6 hour ride through timber, open valley’s and beautiful, rugged landscapes. Day 2-8 are dedicated to hunting for goat. Typically, we ride from Big Cabin each day to various hunting lookouts and points. We glass the peaks until a billy is spotted, then plan the approach from there.

Once you have successfully hunted your Billy, it is up to you how much longer you would like to stay in camp. Day 9, the last day of the hunt, is a day dedicated for riding back to the Dutch Creek Trail Head.

Our biggest goal is for our clients to enjoy their experience. The hunt is YOURS. We do not need a set schedule or routine if you have something else you would prefer. Our guides and wranglers are simply there to support and guide you, and to ensure we are operating legally and safely. We want to do everything in our power to give you your dream hunt, and an experience you’ll treasure forever.