Our hunts are all inclusive, which means all you really need to bring is you, your outdoor gear, sleeping bag and your rifle! Your meals are included, and we have a horse and saddle all ready to go for you too.
It’s Important to dress accordingly for the mountain weather. Whether you book a spring hunt or a fall hunt, you can still expect freezing temperatures, and sometimes even T-shirt weather during the day.
SPRING HUNTS are usually cold to freezing in the morning and t-shirt weather by the afternoon.
SEPTEMBER HUNTS are usually cold to freezing in the morning and t-shirt weather by afternoon.
OCTOBER HUNTS are usually cold to freezing in the morning and slightly warmer by afternoon.
NOVEMBER HUNTS can be very cold throughout the whole day!
Sleeping Bag
Rain Gear
2 pairs of hiking/hunting boots
1 pair of camp shoes
10 pairs of socks
10 pairs of underwear
2 pairs of long underwear
10 pairs of under shirts
4 pairs of over shirts
2 pairs of long pants
a warm jacket
towel and toiletries
toque (stocking cape, beany)
flashlight, headlamp
2 boxes of shells